1. Which is the most important constituent of state which distinguishes it from other institutions? An: Sovereignty
2. Which element of the state has two dimensions? An: Sovereignty
3. Who is known as the father of political science? An: Aristotle
4. Name the Greek philosophers who considered the primary duty of a state is to provide better life to its citizens. An: Plato and Aristotle
5. Which is the most acceptable theory of the evolution of the state? An:Evolutionary Theory
6. Name the first book which makes a comprehensive analysis of state.
An: Politics by Aristotle
7.Write the origin of politicsAn: The word politics was derived from the Greek word ‘Polis’which means ‘city state’
8.What are the equal rights one get through citizenship?
An: Right to vote, Right to contest election, Right to form organization,Right to criticize government etc.
9.Modern states are formed on the basis of a common nationalityare known as…………………
An:Nation state
10.What is the importance of study political science?
Political science helps to imparting knowledge of the state.
Political science helps to imparting knowledge of thegovernment and administration.
It helps to imparting knowledge of the world politics.s
Creating democratic values and good citizenship.
It helps to develop civic consciousness among the commonpeople
11.What are the different forms of the government?
An: Monarchy,despotic rule,democracy,military etc.