“Swashraya”-Women can apply for self-employement financial aid scheme

‘Swashraya’ is a project for self-employment for women protecting physically and mentally challenged.
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Parents of severely mentally retarded and differently abled persons require emotional strength and flexibility. Older parents can find themselves overwhelmed by various medical, caregiving and financial responsibilities. PH/MR persons always need special care and attention since they cannot perform their day to day activities without someone else’s assistance. Sometimes it can be quite challenging for older parents in BPL families, especially mothers, who have to take care of household tasks and work apart from taking care of MR persons.
Looking after such Mentally challenged/PH person is expensive. These expenses can arise from medical equipment and supplies, medical care, caregiving expenses, specialized transportation, etc. Even though an amount of Rs. 525/- is being provided as Aswasakiranam pension to care givers (family members) of bedridden PH/MR persons, it cannot cover the expenses completely. Single mothers face tremendous challenges. Often, a custodial parent must fulfill the roles of primary provider and caregiver without the benefit of a partner. It is a difficult task under the best of circumstances.
Swashraya is a one-time financial aid scheme for women to start self-employment that caters to those facing severe physical and mental challenges. The project will help women who are isolated due to various reasons in life. The project targets those who are going through situations where they have to provide full-time support even in day-to-day affairs of those who are simultaneously experiencing physical and mental challenges and need to find a way to make a living. 35,000 will be received as financial assistance through the self-help scheme.
Eligibility criteria
Applicant must belong to BPL category.
70% or more should be protected with physical and mental challenges.
Widows, women left by their husbands, legally divorced women,
women who divorce while their husbands are still alive or who do not receive help from their husbands,
Close relatives (women- as mentioned in the above category) who act as care takers of severely disabled/mentally challenged patients can also apply.
single mothers are eligible for financial assistance through the scheme.
mothers and fatherless women who are the guardians of those with physical and mental challenges(70 per cent or above) will also get the benefit of the scheme. Recipients of Consolation Kiranam pension will also benefit from the self-reliance scheme.
Applications should be submitted to the respective District Social Justice Officer along with a detailed project report on self-employment.
For more details and application form
Visit: Apply now