Final important instructions to NEET Exam 2022

1. You should download your Admit Card and keep at least 2 copies with you. The Admit Card consists of four pages- Page 1 contains the Centre details and Self Declaration (Undertaking) form regarding COVID-19, Page 2 has “Postcard Size Photograph” and “Page 3 has “Important instructions for candidates” and Page 4 has “Advisory for candidates regarding COVID-19”. You are required to download and carefully read all these pages and strictly adhere to them.
2. The Page 1 — “Centre Details and Self-declaration/Undertaking” and Page 2 — “Postcard Size Photograph” must be filled and handed over to Invigilator.
3. You must paste your latest coloured postcard size (4″ x 6″) photograph in the designated space and keep at least 2 copies with you for future references.
4. You need to ensure that your Post card size photograph and signature on page no, 2 match with the photograph and signature pasted on page no. 1 of Admit Card. You must bring page no. 2 of the Admit Card with a pasted Post card size photograph. If you don’t bring this, then you will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
5. You need to ensure that your signature must be done across the photograph on the left side on page no. 2. You should ensure that your Left-Hand Thumb Impression is clear and not smudged.
6. Please ensure that Signature of Parent is done in designated space in Admit Card.
7. As a precaution for COVID-19, you must reach the Centre at the time as indicated against Reporting/Entry time at the Centre in the Admit Card. You will not be allowed to enter the Centre after the Gate Closing Time (1:30 pm).
8. You are suggested to visit the examination venue, a day in advance so that you do not face any problem on the day of examination.
9. You must carry “Any one of the original and valid Photo Identification Proof issued by the government”
PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ 12th Class Board Admit or Registration card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ E-Aadhaar/Ration Card/ Aadhaar Enrolment No. with Photo. All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof.
10. On completion of the test, you must hand over the OMR Sheet (both Original and Office Copy) to the Invigilator and take away only the Test Booklet with you. No part of the Test Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet shall be detached under any circumstances.
11. You need to ensure that, without special permission of the Centre Superintendent or Invigilator, you would not leave the seat. You should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and sign (with time) the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases, where a candidate has not signed the Attendance Shcct a second time, will be dcemcd not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as Unfair Means case.
12. Biometric attendance of candidates is mandatory and a hologram will be affixed on the Admit Card once the biometric is done. Invigilators must check the Admit Cards for hologram and in case hologram is not found on the Admit Card, the candidate must be asked to complete the biometric activity after the examination.
13. You will be ALLOWED to carry only the following items with you into the examination venue:
Personal transparent water bottle.
o Additional photograph same as uploaded on Application Form, which you need to paste on Attendance Sheet
o Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) with Postcard size photograph affixed on the designated space (page 2) downloaded from the NTA website (a clear print out on A4 size paper) duly filled in.
o Before reaching the Centre, the candidates must enter the required details in the Undertaking in legible handwriting.
14. You are NOT ALLOWED to carry any personal belongings including electronic devices, mobile phones and other banned/ prohibited items listed in the Information Bulletin to the Examination Centre. Examination Officials will not be responsible for the safe keep of personal belongings and there will be no facility.
15. You need to follow the Advisory regarding COVID-19 as given below:
Practice Social distancing;
Mandatorily use N-95 masks being provided at the Centre.
Use ofalcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be made, whereverfeasible.
Strictly follow respiratory etiquette. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/ sneezing with a tissue/ handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing offused tissues properly; o Self-monitor health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest;